Sunday, May 27, 2007

Samsung Visit

Last Friday (May 18th) we went to visit Samsung's plant in Noida and let me say that I was very impressed. It's actually the world's most efficient plant for Samsung. Some of the VPs showed us the production line for flat screen TV, I was speechless. Most of the line is human labour, since labour here is so cheap, more than 50 employees dedicated their days assembling Tv's. All of them have only one specific task, for example one would put 2 components on the assembly board... they manufacture about 6000 Tvs a day, so that means that person made the same movement 6000 times every day. One thing that is very hard to manage is of course your employees, especially when your whole production relies on them, so the managers implemented rewards systems which is now proven to be successful. We have a lot to learn from theses poeple as their economy will literally blow us away, no doubt about it. The efficiency of the employees is simply out of this world, one Tv is packaged every 4.5 seconds or less...manually. The manager implemented a superstar recognition systems, the most efficient employees are called superstars, theses superstar are so good, they could do their job eyes closed as they know exactly where to screw or put a component in one motion, simply unbelievable to watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seems really interesting but sad for the poor employees! Routine work is the worst, so depressing! But you see here the power of recognition, even if it's not money recognition, and the desire of most of the people to be the best one!! Seems like here at the beggining of the 20th century! I'm pretty shure that they will blow our market like you said, but after 100 years they will maybe do a work revolution and industrialize it all and rise a lot their salaries (like here in the years 60th-70th). At least, I hope it for them!!