Thursday, June 21, 2007

First real train experience - not a good one!

Next on our schedule was Goa, thoses famous beaches were all europeens go to party hard, the classic hippy destination. We took the train, we were unable to book a sleeper from Varkala, so we took general admission. Not knowing what it was really, we first sat in the sleeper wagon, where we met one quebecor working in Hyderabad, but after a few hours, the train controller (TC) came and asked us to move to the general admission wagon. First, let me draw you a picture of the general admission wagon, imagine a more than hundred of selfish sweaty indians fighting for less than 50 seats... and us with our huge backpacks... Just at the sight of that wagon, we said to ourselves, screw it, we're staying in the sleeper wagons. Obviously there wasn't any seats left so we had to stay in the corridors like many others who were on the waiting list. By the way, did I mention we had 21 hours to go... small detail. Each the TC passed by, he always said "Go to general admission, go!"and then left. We totally ignored it since it was a different TC every time, so we ended up stay the rest of the next to the door, on the floor with our backpack, hardly sleeping. You can imagine how happy we were to arrive in Goa.

Although I was pretty disappointed with Goa, we had quite some fun. The monsoon was starting so obviously Goa was crowdless, which made bargaining for a room a breeze. It was sad to see the beaches so dirty, this place has so much potential but once again, it's all screwed by thoses damn litterers. We rented some scooter to get around and to experience the indian traffic that we were so scared of. It turned out that we were actually the fastest ones on the road, as indians drive pretty slowly, it's only chaotic because no one follows the rules... overtaking is as normal as driving in the wrong way, people are used to it. Apart from riding the scooters around and doing some shopping for souvenirs, Goa wasn't really awesome as nothing was going on, no parties, no raves, nobody in town.

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