Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sikkim - Switzerland of the east

Once in Sikkim, you see all theses billboards "Sikkim, Switzerland of the East". I say it's a bit ambitious of them, but then again, it's good to have ambition. Sikkim is very nice... I mean once you've been so long in India, it's good to escape to the mountains. The people are totally different for the rest of India, physically wise and character wise, as they have more Asian/Tibetan faces. You don't get hassled as much as you usually do in India, which is quite relaxing for once. Sadly with the monsoon we hardly had a chance to see any of the himalayas but at least the weather was more bearable. We went straight to Gangtok, being the capital of the state, and apart from going to be nearby villages to visit monasteries (since many Tibetan buddhist escaped Tibet to come to Sikkim, Nepal and Kashmir) we didn't do much since we barely had time to.

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