Tuesday, June 26, 2007

On the way to Sikkim

With Julien being really sick, food poisonning once again, and having over 24 hours of travel in front of us, we were in a quite arkward position. Julien puked a least 5 times in our short flight to Kolkatta (he beated my personal best of 5 times in an 8 hour bus ride in Chile!) and again at the airport, again at the train station, in the train, etc. On top of that, we had to go all the way through Kolkatta, probably the most chaotic city in India, I'll always remember on one corner of the street a young child (2-3 years i guess) standing naked and alone, it actually gave me shivers. Also at the train station, Julien was lying half dead on the floor and this one dude came up and started staring at him, we asked him to please leave but he wouldn't and continued staring as if he was throwing an evil spell at us. Once we got up to move to the train, he followed, Julien lost his patience (with a reason) and asked the police to take him away pushing him at the same time... so strange behaviours. Greatfully we had sleepers all the way we had to go but some crazy people always show up along the way, it makes for an unwanted show... We definately need a break from all this, hopefully Sikkim will be better.

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